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Story Subtitles

mix up of similar sounding words - Insecured

So this story is about a social situation with friends, and I have often noticed or observed

that I mix up similar sounding words. It happens. Not as many times, while while I'm

speaking what happens a lot while writing, the frequency is higher there. But yeah, let's talk

about how it feels like to be in a social situation where I'm speaking about it and making

errors. It's a friendly conversation between friends and it wasn't. To triggering for me, but it

happened, so let's see what happens when. We're chilling together. We were just

decompressing for the day and we were just like taking a walk in the park and we were

chatting, having fun laughing, just generally about things that we do and all of that and we

see a one of the dogs, somebody's walking their dog around the park and somebody says,

hey. That's the dog that looks like something that we have seen. I was like, yeah. Don't you

look, don't you think that looks like dimensions and? I just blurted that out and another

friend said, oh, what do you mean? You mean dalmatians? I was like, oh, oops. Yeah. I

mean that. I'm sorry. And instantly I felt kind of stupid there. My other friends were just kind

of laughed. Like, what are you saying? Random things. Purvi, what's wrong with you? And I

felt felt quite embarrassed. And now that I think about it, I start to realize that why that is

happening, we tend to like mix up similar things. And I feel quite insecure about myself if I

have to be in. Other social contacts like office or meeting strangers where I have to be quite

careful what I'm saying. So feel a little dumb sometimes in between conversations. Not

entirely. I try to be as confident as I can. But slowly, slowly now, with all this new

knowledge of knowing that, OK, now I have something and that's the reason that's been

happening. That's a little bit assuring. So I have started to embrace. It's fine. I can make

mistakes. It's not a big deal. But being able to like quickly. Divert yourself from that

situation and move ahead is something that I do, and I also sometimes say that I'm sorry

like this is how I am. You have to deal with. Me and my friends understand that now, but it's

hard to like navigate in different complex situations. So yeah, there is another story of a

different context for sure. Thank you. Let's move to next page for emotion.