Story Subtitles

Story Subtitles

Dinner and menu angry

This story happened multiple times when I was younger in my life, but we'll talk about one of the

incidents that happened with me. We still go on family dinners and they were amazing. A lot of fun,

learned a lot of about food and enjoyment and everything. This is one of the incidents when we went to

an Italian restaurant so come along with me how it feels like to be in a restaurant in a family dinner. The

restaurant was really nice. It was quite fancy. The food was great as what we had heard. And we all

settled down and then just generally chat about things and then the menus come up and that's where it

gets a little problematic for me, is that I see the menu and I see all these new words and new things

that. I have never seen or read. I don't know how to pronounce. I'm really trying hard to know and to

pronounce them. I was also observing. Different people on the table, all my family and friends of how

they're pronouncing different words. And these new, new new words. And this was the first time I also

was eating and also learning to read in gnocchi and I had never said this word and don't know how to

say this. And I said it probably in the most weirdest way, gnocchi or something like. That and my eldest

sibling corrected me by saying that hey, that's not called that, but it's called Gnochis. And I was like, OK,

and then he's like, you're so dumb you can't even read. And I was like.


I do not know how what to say. I was really awkward and I was quiet. I had started to feel very shameful

that I was unable to rethinks. I kept feeling why can't I read certain things? What is this struggle? What is

this feeling? I also started to feel angry with myself. And it isn't the best feeling to be called out publicly.

So yeah, that feels bad, right? That happened multiple number of times when I was younger, but fast

forwarding to now. It feels. Less painful because I understand why it was happening, why I was unable to

like, read new words and unable to like join sounds to form a word and sentence, whatever that might

have been. I started to accept that it is a shortcoming and it's fine. I'm OK with it. I asked the server or

the person who's with me in the dinner how to pronounce it, and I've said it, except it's OK to not know

everything, and it's OK to make mistakes, so it's not that bad anymore. So it has been been OK. Of lately.

But these wounds still exist and always have been, so this is one of the incident how it feels like